老师主持: 幼儿主持:
开场音乐《 》音乐渐弱 主持人台词:
黄老师:Dear children 合幼:亲爱的老师、爸爸、妈妈、爷爷、奶奶
合幼:Dear teachers, parents and grandparents 四人合:大家上午好!
黄老师:Good morning everyone!朱老师:彩旗在飞扬,鸟儿在欢唱
刘:With colorful flags, singing birds and bright sunshine, every little boy and girl are smiling happily!袁:他们像在表达对我们的衷心祝福
袁:I can tell from their faces their hearty bless to us 黄老师:他们也像在倾诉对老师、对幼儿园的无尽留恋!黄老师:Their love to the dear teachers and the kindergarten.陈:感谢老师用慈母般的温暖、滋润着我们快乐的成长
陈:We want to thank the teachers who take care of us with love.谢:让我们懂得了许多做人的道理、学到了许多本领
谢:With their company, we grow up every day, to learn about life and love.刘、陈:让我们举起双手,用掌声表达我们的心声
刘、陈:Now, let us not hesitate to give them our applause!袁、谢:今天,我们诚挚地邀请爸爸、妈妈,爷爷、奶奶来参加我们的毕业典礼!与我们共同分享成长的快乐。袁、谢:With heartfelt delight we invite our parents and grandparents to attend our graduation ceremony.幼合:每个人都有自己的梦想,梦想是纯真的,是美好的。它载着我们飞向五彩斑斓的世界,带给我们无限美好的回忆。幼儿园就是我们的摇篮,摇着我们每一个人的梦想。让我们带上老师的祝福,爸爸妈妈的希望,走向美好的起点。朱老师:离别的钟声即将敲响,我深深的感受到那份与你们分别的伤情。作为老师,我内心有说不出的高兴和不舍,为你们即将成为一名小学生而高兴、又为你们即将离开我们而依依不舍。
黄老师:When the bell of farewell rang aloud, I feel the melancholy of saying goodbye to you.As your teacher, I am so happy that you will be an elementary student soon, but I am also sad that I have to let you go today,the dear memory you gave me I shall cherish always.合:此时此刻,我们的心情非常激动,让我们珍惜这一特殊的日子,把美好的时刻永远留在心中。
黄老师:Let’s start our new life with our teachers’ and parents’ wishes.合:“放飞梦想,美好明天”幼稚园第9届大班毕业典礼,现在开始。
黄老师:Suzhou Montessori gelin kindergarten graduation ceremony begin.袁:幼儿园给了我们很多很多,我们将永远铭记。
袁:I wouldn’t forget my Kindergarten where I had so many happy memories.刘:我们非常感激培育我们成长的老师,也舍不得离开我们的园长妈妈。刘:I am really grateful at my teacher and the kindergarten head teacher.陈:小朋友们,让我们再次感受园长妈妈那慈爱的笑脸、听听园长妈妈的教诲和对我们的殷切希望吧!
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